Match Each Statement To The Genetic Screening Procedure It Describes

Match each statement to the genetic screening procedure it describes – In the realm of genetic screening, understanding the diverse procedures available is crucial. This article provides a comprehensive guide to various genetic screening techniques, enabling individuals to make informed decisions regarding their healthcare.

Delving into the specifics of amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, non-invasive prenatal testing, carrier screening, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, newborn screening, gene sequencing, and genetic counseling, we explore their purposes, benefits, risks, and limitations.


Excerpt passage describes transcription

Amniocentesis adalah prosedur prenatal invasif yang melibatkan pengambilan sampel cairan ketuban dari rahim untuk menguji kelainan genetik dan kromosom pada janin.

Tujuan dan Manfaat

  • Mendiagnosis kelainan genetik, seperti sindrom Down, sindrom Patau, dan sindrom Edwards.
  • Menilai kesehatan janin dengan memeriksa tingkat alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) dan asetilkolinesterase (AChE).
  • Memastikan jenis kelamin janin.

Risiko dan Keterbatasan, Match each statement to the genetic screening procedure it describes

  • Keguguran (risiko sekitar 1 dari 200)
  • Infeksi
  • Kebocoran cairan ketuban
  • Hasil yang tidak pasti atau tidak dapat diandalkan

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)


CVS adalah prosedur prenatal invasif yang melibatkan pengambilan sampel vili korionik, jaringan yang berkembang menjadi plasenta, untuk menguji kelainan genetik dan kromosom pada janin.

Tujuan dan Manfaat

  • Mendiagnosis kelainan genetik, seperti sindrom Down, sindrom Patau, dan sindrom Edwards.
  • Menilai kesehatan janin dengan memeriksa tingkat AFP dan AChE.
  • Memastikan jenis kelamin janin.

Risiko dan Keterbatasan, Match each statement to the genetic screening procedure it describes

  • Keguguran (risiko sekitar 1 dari 100)
  • Infeksi
  • Kebocoran cairan ketuban
  • Hasil yang tidak pasti atau tidak dapat diandalkan

User Queries: Match Each Statement To The Genetic Screening Procedure It Describes

What is the most common genetic screening test?

Newborn screening is the most common genetic screening test, performed on all newborns in the United States.

What are the benefits of genetic screening?

Genetic screening can provide valuable information about an individual’s risk of developing certain genetic conditions, allowing for early intervention and treatment.

What are the limitations of genetic screening?

Genetic screening tests are not always 100% accurate, and they cannot detect all genetic conditions.